anchor: ptweeduizendc
Philips P2000C
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This is one of those computers that I had to go to war for. With war of course meaning a bidding war. But after the war was over and I won I am very happy with this computer. Mainly because I really want to make a sort of documentary about the P2000 range.
A lot of fun stuff ahead like removing the RiFa caps, making disks it can use and giving it some TLC. More info on the computer is to come! |
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These pictures are just after I got this computer, pictures of the cleaned computer will appear soon.
These pictures are just after I got this computer, pictures of the cleaned computer will appear soon.
Soon to appear on the channel!
Philips P3202
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I picked up this lovely piece of Philips hardware up from a town close by together with a Laser Turbo XT. My main goal for getting this computer was as a good end for the video I want to make on the Philips P2000T. But now that I have it I'm quitte intrigued by this machine. I don't know why but the design Philips went for on this line (I believe there are quitte a lot of models with this design language) gives me a sort of industrial/hospital like feeling that I can appreciate. It's different from IBM's industrial look in that these machine give me a less office vibe and more a nuclear power plant powering sort of vibe. I hope to make a video that takes a closer look at this machine and it's internals and as a fun project I'm going to try to lock pick this computer as an attempt to fix it. Also I want to find out what the middle LED is for.
More on the specs in the future! under more pictures you will find some info written (Quitte nice handwritting I got to say) in pen on the back of the computer. |
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Soon to appear on the channel!
anchor: ptweeduizendone
Philips P2000T (1)
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The Philips P2000T, this one has a one in brackets behind it because I have three Philips P2000T's in my collection. This one being my first, I got it quitte a while back. Strangely I don't quitte know how much I paid for it but I think It was under the 50 bucks mark.
The Philips P2000T is probably not very know outside the borders of the Netherlands, but it is a very quirky machine. Data is stored on Philips mini cassettes, it uses a teletext chip to display images on the screen, You can connect a monitor to it using RF or RGB (6 Pin din connector), it has two cartridge ports and a funky keyboard. The Philips P2000T is part of a whole family of computers with the P2000C above part of it. Also part of this family is the P2000M which I haven't yet been able to find, I did see one on display at the Home Computer Museum. I'm planning a short documentary on this computer and the other members of it's P2000 family, that I soon hope to upload to my channel! |
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Soon to appear on the channel!
anchor: ptweeduizendtwee
anchor: ptweeduizendthree
anchor: phiipsyes
Philips YES!
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The Philips YES! is a big mystery machine, Since the Philips product number for this computer is P2056 I want to make it part of my P2000 videos. Which looking at my video production track record will be probably be released around 2031.
The Philips YES! sort of reminds me of the IBM PC Junior or the Mindset computer. I would love to hear more about the Philips YES! Do you have some information about this computer or just a nice story? please reach out to me via my contact page! |
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The Philips YES! is awaiting it's photoshoot!
Soon to appear on the channel!
anchor: PDS
Philips Data Systems Service Processor
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This is a mystery device, I am not even sure if I can refer to it as a computer. Although I discovered it has a sort of obscure CPU the Signetics S8439 SPC16/10. I would love to know the use case for this device. My theory would be that it can be used for testing old networks/network devices.
On the side of this device is a sticker that refers to it as a service processor. (8709 010 92621), mine has serial number 253 so I expect there is not a lot of them out there. Questions I have about this device:
Do you know the answer to my one or more of my question? I would love to hear from you. I have a contact page where you can send me a message. |
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anchor: Philipsfivethousand
Philips P5000
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So much to say and show about this computer...